Enhancing Access to Quality Clinicians

Welcome to Clinicians 4 Care

Our mission is to enhance access to quality clinicians for the people of the Caribbean. We seek to do this by engaging clinicians in the diaspora, and providing them with an easy and flexible way to provide their expertise via Telehealth technologies or in person. Rather than trying to make your efforts fit some stated need, we aim to match your desired contribution with your targeted community, and/or an area critically in need.

The equation is simple: You invest a little time and expertise on a schedule convenient to you, and the people of the Caribbean benefit.

Get Involved

If you are a clinician ready to get involved and begin giving back in a meaningful way that can positively impact the lives of others in the Caribbean, give us some basic information so that we can find out how best to leverage your interest.

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4210 Commercial Way, Suite 1029
Springhill, FL 34606


1 (570) 909-6777
1 (473) 405-1961 (WhatsApp)

